Sunday, August 3, 2008

The breaking point

Every day I work in this shop it becomes more and more likely that I am going to hurl a lamp at a potential customer. I am reaching my breaking point, and maybe I'm already there. All I know is I really can't take it anymore. Everything is starting to get to me. For example, idle wandering really irritates me. I cannot remember the last time I just slumped slowly through a store or anywhere without some kind of purpose. Old women, men, people who have absolutely NO business looking around a women's boutique still come in and wander around. Don't they have anything better to do? The worst is the people who are "just looking." That means they have no intention of buying anything, yet it still forces me to perk up, put a smile on and ask them to "let me know if you need help with anything."
Earlier in the summer I allowed shoppers, even if they did not buy anything, to use the staff bathroom in the back room. Now we no longer have a bathroom. There's one in the lobby of the restaurant across the street.
Also, if one more person holds up a garment from across the room and shouts "what size is this?" to me, when it is clearly marked on the tag of the item and the price tag, I'm just gonna have a nervous breakdown.
Retail is not for me.

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